Town Vision
Haysi is a unique mountain town working to revitalize and improve the economic and physical structure of the downtown business district. The first steps for the Downtown Business Revitalization Project began in 2008. Several town meetings were conducted and a Management Team was formed to plan and develop a vision for the project. The Town of Haysi geography lies between scenic vertical mountains cliffs and sloping river banks. The town’s history, heritage and location combined with mountain cultures offers an array of artisan, musical and recreational opportunities.
Drawing upon these assets during the Visioning Sessions for the Downtown Business Revitalization Project, the Management Team developed these strategies and plans to improve the physical appearance and economical structure of the downtown district.
Engage civic, church and school groups; residents; and property owners in a collaborative revitalization effort
Attract tourists visiting the Breaks Park by building upon and promoting the physical and cultural assets that will complement their experience
Foster entrepreneurship by encouraging and creating opportunities for new and growing businesses
Honor the town’s coal and railroad heritage while improving existing structures and infrastructure for current and future economic uses

Some of the most important accomplishments that we expect to happen through the Revitalization Program are simple but vital. We expect our town to have a more attractive, pleasing and inviting appearance. We hope to meet the needs of shoppers who are looking for basic goods and services. These shoppers would include local residents and visitors, but also tourists whose needs go beyond the basics to the necessities required for hiking, biking, white water sports, photography and other recreational activities.
Last but not least in our expectations is that of fulfilling the desires of many who travel into our area to view our beautiful mountain scenery and listen to our unique mountain bluegrass music. We want to be able to provide access to comfortable lodging, good food as well as the items mentioned above.
These are some of the accomplishments the Revitalization Program will help us bring about! You can count on the mountain people to provide “down-home” friendship and hospitality.